
Why ‘Owleez the Owl’ Will Fly Into Your Kids Heart This Year!

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If your kiddos loved their Hatchimal and are kind of into drones, well, they’re about to become obsessed with Owleez.  We already are!  They’re a total hoot.  See what we did there?  Read on!

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Just when you think every cool toy in the world as already been created, SpinMaster has come out with one that we’re pretty sure will be named as one of the hottest toys of the year.  Yes, we’re talking about Owleez. This cute little owl falls under the popular category of nurturing toys.  Yep, that means that your kids (and most likely you) will have to care for it!  That includes things like feeding it toy berries that come with the robot-owl, petting it, rocking it to sleep and more!  You’ll know how Owleez is feeling about all of this by its eyes and the noises that they make (which includes crying and whining….fun!).

Watch Owleez Fly Like a Helicopter 2025

So What is Owleez Actually All About?!

Our favorite part about all of this is that you also have to teach Owleez how to fly.  That’s right, by holding it in your hand and then moving your arm back and forth over and over again, eventually, it may fly. It’ll take time, for sure.  But first you have to ask if it’s ready to fly. No real, you have to legit ask it.  When it’s not ready it’ll send out sad and scared noises, which is pretty heart-melting.  Once it’s ready to fly its neck will extend, soft blades will appear, start spinning, and then Owleez will take off towards the ceiling, flying around, until it’s ready to come back to the nest (which is also a charging station of sorts).  We can’t wait for all the Instagram videos of kids freaking out when it starts to charge at them on initial flight!

We have to admit, it’s all pretty cute and, come on, who doesn’t love a drone-like fluffy toy owl?!  Has that sentence ever been said before?  There are currently two different ones you’ll be able to choose.  There’s a pink one and then more of a pale white one.  Since this is from the makers of Hatchimals, we’re pretty sure there will eventually be even more colors to chose from as well.

When is the Official Release Date?

The official release date is slated to be October 4, 2019 and pre order is available on September 3, 2025.  Pre order yours here!

How Much Will This One Set You Back?

The price is a bit on the more expensive side, but suggested retail price is $49.99.  It’s similar to what you’ve spent in the past on all those Hatchimals but, luckily, a bit cheaper so why not stock up and get more than one because you know these are going to be impossible to find come the holidays.  Ugh.

Spin Master Owleez Toy Owl Helicopter/Drone – Buy It Here

Where to Find Owleez Toy Owl 2025

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