Real Housewives of Orange County trashmember, Tamra Barney, packed up her fake tears, burnt weave, and knock-off sunglasses and moved on to dating her husband’s ex-best friend, Eddie Judge.
Now in all fairness, Tamra is separated from her husband, Simon, and deserves to be plowed until the cows come home like the rest of the middle aged cougars out there. Simon allegedly claims that Tamra was unfaithful when he filed for divorce and claims the “unfaithful..less…ness…ly” took place with a grown man who still calls himself “Eddie.”
Tamra told RadarOnline, “Yes, we’re dating. I know it seems fast but my marriage with Simon has been over for a while.”
I think it’s great. I think it’s awesome that she’s focusing her efforts on a new relationship and not on her young children who are now living in a small apartment without their father. Sure she should be able to move on with her life, but let’s spend some extra time just being a mom and not a reality-show-whore who’s looking for some more camera time. Trash bag.