
The Magic Mixies Magical Crystal Ball AND Their Playset is Going to be THE Toy of the Year

The ultimate toy guide of the year is finally here! Here's everything your kiddos are already asking you for. Like, every single day. Introducing the Ultimate "Best Toys" Guide for 2025.  Drumroll please...

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We’re calling it right now.  The Magic Mixies Magical Crystal Ball and the Mixlings Magic Playset will be the toy of the year (especially this upcoming Christmas holiday season).  We’ll tackle where you can find them in-stock and not at an astronomical price.  We’re all in this together!

Magic Mixies Crystal Ball & Playset Castle 2025

Last year it was all about the Magical Misting Cauldron and kids were loving to play with it over and over (and over and over) all Christmas long.  This year, they’re back and better than ever before.  Introducing the Magical Crystal Ball and the Mixlings Playset!

 What is the Crystal Ball All About? 

This Christmas it’s all about the crystal ball that your kiddos will use their magical skills, their wand, and they’ll complete all the steps to cast a spell and see a real cute cuddly surprise actually appear!  Their Magical Mixie has more than 80 interactions, reactions, lights, sounds and so much more.  They’ll even give their little cuddly buddy a “voice” and wait for it to teach them things too!

One of the favorite things it’ll do is be able to tell your fortune.  After you kids use the magical wand to cast the spell and use their magical words, they’ll squeeze their little fluffy friend and then ask it “yes or no” questions and wait for them to give them the actual answers.  So fun!

When they’re all done playing they can even use the Crystal Ball as a nightlight!

 Pros, Cons & The Bottom Line 

ProsConsBottom Line

• Your kids are going to be obsessed with their Magical Mixie actually appearing in the crystal ball!

• They’ll enjoy more than 80 interactions, sounds, and reactions.

• The crystal ball lights up and can actually even be used as a night light.

• As they begin to teach and nurture their little plush pet, they’ actually start bo build a friendship with them.

• This one can be a bit pricey (between $76 – $84).

• In total it takes 10 batteries (6 AA batteries and 4 AAA).

• While they can “replay” the magical crystal ball reveal 40 times, after that you’ll need to buy a refill pack to play again.

Snag this one while you can because it’s going to be tough to come by, especially this Christmas holiday season!

 Where to Find the Crystal Ball In Stock 

It may be tough to find this little cutie in stock, especially heading towards Christmas.  However, we’ve had luck with the top three retailers – and you probably guessed them – Amazon, Target, and Walmart.  They’re all roughly the same price right now and links to purchase are below.

$76 | Amazon

$76 | Walmart

$77 | Target

 Magic Mixies Mixlings Magic Castle Playset 

And not to be outdone, there’s another toy to scramble to find this season.  This is the Magic Mixies Mixlings Magic Castle Playset.  Try saying that 3 times fast!

This little mini playset is perfect for kids ages 4+ and comes with more than just the playset castle itself:

  • 3 Mixlings Play Figurines
  • 3 Magical Wands
  • 6 Cute Accessories

Overall there are 5 magical surprises to discover like:

  • Finding the Secret Castle Entrance
  • Have Your Own Fortune Told To You
  • Transform the Castle Out and Up
  • Watch Your Mixling Grow Their Wings
  • Create a Magical Bedtime For Your Mixling

This is technically Series 1, so there are 40 different Mixlings to collect and finding out which you have is part of the fun.  When your kids rub the cauldron they’re discover if their Mixling is Common, Rare, or Ultra Rare.

 Where to Find the Magical Castle Playset 

$39 | Amazon

$35 | Walmart

$35 | Target

 The Original Magic Mixies Cauldron 

Magic Mixies Magical Cauldron Toy Review 2025

   The Highlights:

Continuing on the surprise toy trend, the new Magic Mixies Magical Misting Cauldron (that’s a mouthful) combines a surprise toy, mist, magic, sounds, lights, and so much more.  For real, your kids are doing to love this one.

What’s Magic Mixies Anyway?

From the famous Moose Toys company, Magic Mixies is their latest magical invention where your kiddos can add potions and cast spells to create a magical little fluffy pet living in its whimsical cauldron.  Which Mixies pet will they get?  That’s part of the surprise.

One of their favorite parts will be pouring in the secret potions and magical ingredients, tapping their wand, and waiting for the mist to start to appear and float out of the cauldron.  Before they know it, their surprise pet will appear – and don’t be surprised when they jump a little when the pet appears!  It’s actually just as fun for us to watch!

How Exactly Does It Work?

This magical cauldron will come with everything your child will need to cast their spell.

Cast Your Spell

• Follow along with your official spell book.

• Add ingredients (like potions, feathers, flowers etc) into the cauldron.

• Name your Mixie by writing it on the scroll and dropping it in the cauldron.

• Say the magic words, tap your want 3 times and watch your Magical pet come to life!

And did we mention that it has more than 50 different sounds and reactions?  Even better, your kiddos will be able to use this over and over again.  You can even pick up replacements too!

What’s the Price + Release Date

Buckle up folks, because Magic Mixies is a bit on the expensive side, currently priced at $69.99.  If you play your cards right you’ll be able to get your hands on yours prior to Christmas, is it’s officially being released on October 1st (and pre-order is available prior).

Where Can You Buy It?

Of course you’ll be able to get your hands on this from the usual trusted retailers – with two of our top favorites Amazon and Walmart.  They usually have the best prices as well.

Magic Mixies Magical Cauldron
Moose Toys

Magic Mixies

$54.99 | Amazon

$54.99 | Walmart