Sometimes! We’ve listed out the past few years of colors and, in most cases, where you can currently find them on both the YETI website and on Amazon.
However, if the color(s) is discontinued entirely, well, that’s another question. Discontinued colors occasionally pop up on resale sites or even in special limited runs at certain retailers. If you’ve got your heart set on a past favorite, it might take a bit of hunting, but hey, that’s part of the adventure!
We’ve had luck on reputable resellers like Amazon, ACE Hardware (in-person), Dick’s Sporting Goods, and REI (in-person).
Word of caution on sites like Amazon and even eBay (or any website, really) especially if they allow 3rd party-sellers; you want to make sure that those 3rd party-sellers are reputable and overall legit. And be warned, you may end up spending more on a specific item than that item was originally priced.