
Reality Show Recaps + Rants

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Need to go back to simpler times like we do?  We’ve bubbled up all of our favorite retro recaps and general rants over the past 10+ years (yes, really).  Whether you’re looking to see what our thoughts were on the original season of the Real Housewives of New York City, what we were thinking of all things Honey Boo, Jersey Shore, 16 & Pregnant, or just want to laugh at some awkward kids drawings or random products from that pesky Harriet Carter catalog, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s travel back in time on this journey together.  Something tells us these haven’t aged well.  Pick your poison below.

Teen Mom (The Original Cast)

Recaps Here

Teen Mom 2

Recaps Here

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo

Recaps Here

Jersey Shore

Recaps Here

Laguna Beach

Recaps Here

The Harriet Carter Catalog

Recaps Here

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Recaps Here

America’s Next Top Model

Recaps Here

16 & Pregnant

Recaps Here

Kids Picture This

Recaps Here

American Idol

Recaps Here


Recaps Here

Real Housewives of New York City

Recaps Here

Real Housewives of Orange County

Recaps Here

Real Housewives of New Jersey

Recaps Here